Therapeutic Bodywork
Pain Relief Through Movement
Repetitive movements and tension are the major source of most of the physical pain we experience. I can help you release those tensions while increasing your range of motion.
At Zack's Hands, I use various techniques to release those tensions. Appropriate self-stretching can maintain the re-found length in muscles to keep tensions below the pain threshold and increase the range of motion. And… it doesn't have to hurt to feel better!
COVID-19 Protocols
To keep everyone safe, we’re doing the following: double masking for both client and therapist, ventilation of studio during session, hand sanitizer and masks available, limited access to building lobby, and nightly deep cleaning.
This office is COVID compliant with the San Bernardino County Health Department.
Don’t forget, in the rush to get through your day, to take some time for yourself.
What better way to support yourself than to have a massage?
As a powerful tool with which to maintain health, massage can harmonize your whole being and allow your body the opportunity to fully realize true health.
While massage is not the answer to all of life's problems, it has many significant positive effects on the well-being and emotional functionality of the individual.
Take a Break...
Feel Better.